"Scale isn't just when something is big, or when something is small; it's when something is big and something else isn't." -psychbomb

A ravenous maw has opened up in the ground. Your job is to keep it fed, but doing so only causes it - and its appetite - to grow.

Made for the GMTK 2024 game jam "Built to Scale".

How to play:

Left-click to select a unit and right-click to move. Contextual actions will show up in the bottom left when objects are within your interact radius.

Playing in full-screen is recommended.


Extremely unfinished, there is no sound and the game only goes up to phase 6 or so before stuff stops spawning. Hopefully there's just enough there that you can tell what the idea was, at least. I won't have any more time to work on this before the jam period ends, but your feedback is appreciated regardless as I might like to return to the idea afterward.

Thanks for playing!


Made with Godot.

Fonts used are "Chirp" and "Chomp" by Chevy Ray.


the-big-crunch-win.zip 28 MB

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